teddy straddle

13 years, 3 months ago
asked about Teddy Straddle

how do you stay in place in this move?

2 Answers
13 years, 3 months ago

Hi there, the key to this position is using two points of skin contact. You have your armpit grip (for a lack of a better term) and your back/side grip. I know some pole artists are able to to it without the side grip, but for a beginner, I find that it really helps.

Try this from the ground first. Stand next to the pole (left), wrap your arms around the pole as if you were going to do an invert but move your hips in front of the pole so you get a grip with your back. Lift your legs into a straddle. Slowly lower your left hand to hold onto your left leg, then do the same with your right side. Teddy!

Hope this helps.

13 years, 2 months ago

Thanks!! It helps!! I can do it myself I just couldn't explain it well to others!! xxx

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