How to not fall backwards in "twisted handstand"?

13 years, 2 months ago
asked about Gemini Handstand

I learned this as a dismount from gemini or scorpio. I heard the key to not falling back (as in, on your butt) is having your shoulder in front of the pole. However, when I reach my arms down to touch the ground, my shoulder just doesn't feel comfortable staying in front of the pole. Does anyone have any tricks for this (regarding the shoulder or legs, etc)?

1 Answer
13 years, 2 months ago

I found this one really scary when I learnt it! The key I found to this move, is putting your shoulder in front of the pole (you can slide down into this from a crucifix/serpent). Once your should is in front of the pole, really lock out your arms and use your shoulder to brace the handstand, if this isn't braced you feel like your going to fall backwards. Bend your knees really slowly and then go to straddle - a sudden straddle can cause loss of balance again. I found the key was in my shoulders bracing the move to get the stability. Good luck! :-)

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