Additional floor training ?
12 years, 2 months ago
asked about
Air Shouldermount
I am training for this and am nowhere near yet, does anyone recommend any training I can do away from the pole to build up strength?
2 Answers
12 years, 2 months ago
Rather than doing it from part way up the pole, start from the floor - stand with your back against the pole, and your shoulder against the pole. Pull with both hands so that your shoulder is being used as pivot point. You need to really engage your lower abs and core and may want a spotter to help guide you up until you get the feeling for it.
Hope that helps <3
12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks Katie!
I can deadlift shoulder mount from the floor, but when I take it up the pole I can't get it!!!
Thanks for the idea about a spotter, maybe I need a bit of a hoist