
13 years, 7 months ago

I can lift into iguana, head and hands stand and neeearly fully control lever down but with this i cant even lift my toes from the ground, are there any sneaky tips?

2 Answers
13 years, 7 months ago

Hey Gem,

Sneaky tips:

Play with your hand positioning, don't have the arms to close to your body but don't have them too far too the ground.

Start lower in a bent over position, the lower you are the less you have to lift.

Push into the pole with both arms.

Bend the bottom arm slightly when lifting (straight arm is harder)

Bend the legs to build up your strength.

Remember to drop the head.

Reeeeally activate your abs

And finally practice elephant lifts (deadlifting into a handstand against the pole or a wall) as this is a really similar movement pattern.

Hope that helps!!

Bendy xox

13 years, 7 months ago

I just use brute force from my lowest arm.
But before I used to cheat by making a big swing forward with my legs, coming out of the Half Flag.
The momentum created by lifting your legs as high as possible in front of you, should help you when your legs swing backwards and come over your back into the Brass Monkey.
Good luck!

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