Cant hold on
12 years, 4 months ago
asked about
I am trying this and I can invert standing or shoulder mount but once im up I need both legs to hold on i can let my hands go but i cant wrap my outside leg around the pole in a way that allows me to let the other one fall away. Any suggestions?>
1 Answer
12 years, 4 months ago
Hey jkitty - treat this one like an inside leg hang. It's really important that the leg/hip closest to the pole is making contact - I find that if I think about pushing my hip into the pole, and gripping with the leg my pelvis rotates forward and it gives me good grip onto the pole. This will then allow the lock and you can then release the other leg. For me it's all about the hip and pushing into the pole, almost rotating into it - if that makes sense? Good luck!